Custom Ticker shapes, Custom angles, custom circle and curves
Custom Ticker shapes, Custom angles, custom circle and curves

Tickers that are flexible or curved are one-of-a-kind. We've done it all, whether it's a C curve, a U curve, or a serpentine. Our cabinets are crafted with such precision that they retain their suppleness while remaining sturdy and solid. Since our first installation, Tickerplay's shop has consisted of seamless tickers, with flexi-tickers being one of them. These are also known as ribbon ticker tapes, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. We'll create custom solutions for any curved or flexible shape.
Led tickers, as they're known, are incredibly simple to set up, with interconnecting led modules that lie nicely on any curved surface. The form of the surface is taken into account by our flexible led ticker tapes. Tickerplay offers top-of-the-line led flexible tickers that are extremely lightweight and portable. These ticker tapes are completely engulfed in the most up-to-date led modules, which are a joy to see in operation, with their flexible yet sturdy chassis flashing brightly across the room.