We ship to the following countries:
UPS, FedEx, and DHL are the delivery agencies we use to deliver the merchandise to your door. The shipping expenses are computed based on the weight and destination of the package.
Before you buy anything, you may get a shipping quote right in your shopping cart. It's possible that some orders will arrive in multiple packages. If your order is shipped in multiple shipments, you will not be charged any additional fees.
Estimated delivery times by country:
5-6 days: USA, Canada.
4-5 days: United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Denmark.
3-4 days: Australia, Poland, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France.
3-4 days: Middle East.
Days explained above are working days from Monday to Friday.
Please allow an additional 2-7 days for delivery of original parts.
The consumer is entitled to get the package within 30 business days of the order date, according to the legislation. No refunds can be issued once the shipment has been picked up by the shipping company (UPS or FedEx or DHL) from us (the seller), unless we receive confirmation that the package cannot be delivered due to an external factor, or until the 30-day period has expired.
racking is available for free.
This is a tracked service that takes 48 hours. This includes Saturdays as well. All orders are delivered to the customer on the exact date that our sales staff has specified.